When you’re in high school or college, taking care of your eyes may not seem like a top priority. You’re young and healthy, so why fuss over your eye health? This, however, is exactly why and when you need to start caring for your eyes. With your eyes still in good health, it’s the best time to invest in eye care and make an effort to prevent eye problems, such as double vision and poor eyesight.

In this article, iSee VisionCare shares some eye health tips for young adults.
Practice Good Hygiene
If you’re wearing contact lenses, make it a habit to wash your hands with soap and water before putting them on or taking them off. Regularly change your disinfecting solution, and never top off your old or used solution with fresh solution. Also, if you like wearing eye makeup, it’s best not share cosmetic products with others. Sharing makeup can easily expose you to viral infections like pink eye or conjunctivitis.
Manage Your Exposure to Screens
You’re probably doing a lot of school work on your laptop or other devices. But keep in mind that you should let your eyes rest every few minutes so that you can avoid eye strain and anxiety. You can try to get used to the 20-20-20 rule, wherein you rest your eyes every 20 minutes by looking at an object that’s about 20 feet away for 20 seconds. Lastly, you can wear eyeglasses with a protective film to shield your eyes from the computer’s glare.
Wear the Right Eye Protection
Make sure your eyes are protected when doing certain activities. For instance, if you play sports, find out what type of eye protection you can use to avoid eye injuries.
If you often experience eye discomfort such headaches and dizziness, iSee VisionCare is ready to offer you the eye care service you need. Our expertise covers eye exams, dry eye treatment, and eye emergencies among others. Call us at (561) 733-9008 or fill out our contact form to request an appointment.